Compact disks may be going the way of cassettes, but that just means they're getting cooler, right? Or at least, for all uses besides the cataloging of music. I mean, maybe girls dressed in garish flower-print, combat boots and leather jackets will start making necklaces out of them. They are a symbol of the 90s, after all...
Photo courtesy of Phillip MaiselBut all of that aside! This creation was inspired by a video exhibit at the
Contemporary Art Museum in Chicago. Really, what could be more magical (and surprisingly harmonious) than a disco ball in the forest? Especially if it's made out of recycled CDs! We had to try it out.
Created by Ropka and myself, this is a Styrofoam craft ball (from
Pearl) covered in cut-up pieces of old CDs. If you dip them in hot water first, they're a lot easier to chop. Also, use hot glue!